Find Your Center 

Live Your Love Story

A new and creative approach to Naturopathic Medicine to help you rewrite your story.

If you don’t have emotional energy to do things you value.

If you want to feel better, have tried a lot of things, and feel overwhelmed and lost.

If you are interested in treating more than symptoms. You know something important is going on in your body and you feel a tug from that bigger whole that is ready to transform.

If you are safe and discontent, and want to take the risk for a better life.

If you are hungry for connection, change, and doing the work of blooming…then this program is for you.

Burned out and curious about flipping the problem upside down?

Find Your Center is a six month immersive 1:1 healing journey to integrate the many layers of your being. To move away from over-extending, emotional burnout, overwhelm, and confusion and back to your center.

Symptoms are more than they seem. They're messengers.

I love symptoms, for I have found that they are actually really important tools in understanding yourself and your body.

Symptoms provide powerful clues about what is going on beneath the surface. Decoding them reveals a deeper truth and often a more substantial shift in healing.

A new way of thinking about a very old problem.

Patterns in our thoughts. Patterns in our day. Patterns in our emotional world. These patterns were set up based on a very different life than you are currently living, and yet they are still running the show. Overextending yourself, being overwhelmed, not having the support you need, and functioning with a reduced emotional capacity is not the life you were meant to live. It is time to update the files. You where designed for more. More connection. More fulfillment. More impact.

Collaborative process

Collaborative process that is fueled by curiosity.

Being safe enough to take the risk of truly living. The first step is connecting inwards, learning to listen to your body and needs. Separating your “knowing” from anxiety and worry. These are skills we build together.

A worthwhile journey take time, commitment, vulnerability, and an open heart.

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Our Six Months Together What Is Included

Our Time Together

A focused and deeply held experience, a place for your inner wisdom to bloom.

We’ll establish and create an intentional foundation where you get to truly know yourself and honor your needs. Naturopathic support will help to remove health obstacles that are in your way.

You’ll use your newfound wisdom to create habits of living that align to your deepest truth, bringing authenticity and clarity into your life.

12 Powerful Immersive Experiences

We will meet roughly every 2 weeks to explore your inner workings in a healing, immersive experience.

Together we will explore your mindset, your body’s responses to stress, the set-point of your autonomic nervous system, your detox pathways, your physical health, and the rituals of your daily life.

Meeting consistently over the course of a year will support your preferred neural pathways and offer you freedom, clarity and connection as you discover the preciousness in life.

Access and Discounts to Supportive Labs and Products

Personalized interpretation and recommendations also included. Featured labs take a deep dives into digestive health, hormonal health, and underlying genetics patterns.

The Details

  • 75 Minute Focus Sessions (2 visits per month)
  • 20% discount and access to high grade supplements
  • Priority scheduling
  • Email support between visits
  • Discounts, access to, and interpretations of speciality labs testing in advanced hormonal profiles, digestive health, and genetic factors
  • Handouts specific to topics covered during visits
  • Local trusted referrals specific to your needs
  • In-office and virtual sessions available

Your investment $TBA

Or monthly payments of $TBA

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